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On top of Rigi Kulm
I would never just show up and demand anything, no matter how American I might be

Graceland and the Church of Elvis
Fried peanut-butter and banana sandwiches for the sacrament. Everybody say, “Body of Elvis.”
Personal Detox
I woke up January 1 feeling... like the human version of Drunken Chicken - rubbery and cold, with alcohol congealing between my skin and my meat.
Southern Christmas
When Marissa asked to help out in the kitchen (something that really comforts her) she was told what to do. When I just sat there and ate I was offered more food

Amsterdam 2005, in Five Parts
Inspired by Eggsbaconchipsandbeans, I decided that, as we were visiting two countries known for producing and consuming some of the greatest beers in the world (Belgium and the Netherlands), I should try to capture some of this simple greatness in pictures
Food, Nashville, 2005
Of course we had to have sausage and red-eye gravy, as well as the fruit preserves. And of course country ham was involved and some of us had Bloody Marys while some just had coffee with lots of sugar and cream.
Eight Minutes of Terror
They had invaded our space and were hitting all the vulnerable spots…

Will Clint Eastwood be waiting for us,
an open bottle of whiskey in his hand?
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There is no way to get to where we think we need to be without swimming through that crowd.