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The Best Yoga Teacher in Atlanta

So I made a quick trip to Atlanta this past weekend. And before any of my friends there get mad that I didn't call, let me just say this was not a pleasure trip. I had 72 hours to pack our condo and get the hell out. We have tenants moving in this week and, in the words of the theme song from Smokey and the Bandit, I had "A long way to go and a short time to get there".

(I did get to see Twila, but she is family, so that doesn't count.)

The trip was an exhausting slog of packing boxes, cleaning toilets, packing boxes, walking to The Container Store, packing boxes, and so on.

But, I did experience two fantastic things that made an otherwise difficult trip not so bad at all.

For the first, I have to thank Marsha McKneight at Balance Yoga.

About two years ago, after the death of my father and a naggingly painful problem with my sciatic nerve, I decided I should try yoga. I didn't research all of the different kinds, looking for what might keep my heart healthy without hurting my back, or which provided the right amount of meditation versus movement, etc. No, that is not my way. I just looked for the one that was close enough to walk to from my home.

Luckily, it was Balance Yoga Atlanta, co-owned by Marsha and dedicated to Ashtanga Yoga, which just happens to provide a very physical practice that also focuses the mind. It was perfect for me. But even better, Marsha ended up being my teacher.

Marsha, to me, is like a combination of Glenda the Good Witch and the Drill Sergeant From Full Metal Jacket. She simultaneously combines compassion, warmth and kindness with a teaching discipline that will insure that you learn each pose in its correct form.

So as a break from my packing toil, I went to Marsha's Sunday morning class. Just like old times, she had me accomplishing things I never thought possible. Most amazing of them - I was able to bind in Marichyasana C.

This gentleman here is not me, but he is in the pose known as Marichyasana C. What you can't see is that he has his hands clasped behind his back. For two years I have been trying and trying but have not been able to do this pose in its full expression. But on Sunday morning, August 15th, 2010, Marsha helped me and I achieved it. It was nothing short of exhilarating. Thank you, Marsha. Namaste.

The second fantastic thing was an unexpectedly good bowl of Singapore noodles from a Chinese takeout I had never heard of, referred to me by an Atlanta comedian who moonlights as a concierge. But more on that later...