World Cup 2010 - Week One

It is World Cup 2010. I have been looking forward to this month since 2006, when Italy beat France to capture the last world championship. It is the biggest sporting event in the world.

Of course this means that much of my free time is now being taken up by watching the tournament. Just as I figured I wouldn't be writing for a month it hit me - write about the World Cup! Et voila! Here we are.

Not surprisingly, my favorite World Cup teams also happen to represent some of my favorite places - as well as some of the places I really want to visit. In this first week one of my favorites had a great start. One of them had a terrible one. And one of them gave me great hope.

The Berlin metro. I loved Berlin. We went in late fall and everything was a little gray - everything that wasn't covered with graffiti that is. Much of it was destroyed during World War II, so instead of old European charm one finds beautiful but sobering reminders of the horrors of war - places like the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church,  and the unforgettable Jewish Museum Berlin.

The city also gives a fascinating feeling of what the Soviet period must of been like. And it offers lots of other things - a great art scene, a beautiful river, and, let's not forget, currywurst. It is a city that manages to be gritty, warm and sophisticated all at the same time.

The German team had a great World Cup opener, beating Australia easily, 4-0.

Ahhh... Madrid. Ahhh...Spain. What can I say that hasn't been said? One of my favorite cities in one of my favorite countries. The food is wonderful, the wine is fantastic, the people are lovely and my writing kinda goes to pot when trying to describe it all. 

Unfortunately, Spain lost their opener, to Switzerland. Now I really like Switzerland. I have an old friend who lives there and I am looking forward to visiting. But we are talking Spain, man. La Selección. This will not stand.

Ghana won their opener. Why do I care? I made friends with a Ghanan while living in Atlanta. His name is Ben. He is a big man, with a friendly smile and a genuinely warm demeanor. Since getting to know him I have always been curious about his country. He had been telling me Ghana was going to do well this world cup, and I must say they do look good.

In addition, Africa as a whole - and countries like Ghana specifically - is beginning to emerge in its own right. With a growing GDP and even some radical developments in new technologies like mobile banking, the future looks bright for Ghana. 

Also, another friend once gave me a collection of Afrobeat from the 70's, called Ghana Soundz. Any place that can produce music this good must be a place full of beauty and sensuality. It gives me something completely different to look forward to. I love that feeling.

Matthew Housel

Travel, food and thinking for yourself.


World Cup 2010, Week Two


Springtime in New York City