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On top of Rigi Kulm
I would never just show up and demand anything, no matter how American I might be
I (Heart) Budapest, part 2
Budapest is filled with things that look cool.
Poznan via Berlin, with a Friend
If I fell asleep, I might miss my stop and end up in Warsaw…
The Original Burning Man - Las Fallas de Valencia
...completely en fuego, the heat rolling over the crowd in waves.
Negotiating Peace in Lausanne
...diplomats on all sides abuzz with white wine and giggling like naughty schoolgirls.
Thank You, Bern. No, Really, Thank You.
...And I was all alone, God be praised.
Wilde in Dublin
I mean, naked from the waist down? Either get completely naked or stay clothed and just make it work.
Will Clint Eastwood be waiting for us,
an open bottle of whiskey in his hand?
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There is no way to get to where we think we need to be without swimming through that crowd.